- Lamb steaks
- 2 Garlic Gloves (smashed)
- Sprig of rosemary (or thyme if you prefer)
Get the steaks out of the fridge and bring them up to room temperature - you get a much better steak when you don't cook from cold. Consider what will accompany the steak (there are some suggestions at the bottom of the recipe - do that first!)
Rub the steak all over with a good glug of olive oil, salt and pepper (I do this while it sits on the surface coming up to room temperature)
Put steak in to a hot pan with a little oil (don't over-crowd the pan - ie make sure it is a big enough pan to start with), then cook for 3 minutes on each side (for medium-rare, or to your liking). Add a healthy knob of butter, a clove of garlic (whole but smashed) and a sprig of rosemary and nappé (coat / baste the steak in the frothing butter with a spoon - you may need to tip the frying pan to get the butter on to the spoon) for a further couple of minutes. Press the steak with your finger (carefully) to see if it is cooked correctly, or nick it with a knife to see how pink it is inside.
Once cooked to your liking, rest the steak on a plate that can collect all the lovely juices for 2 minutes perfect
Serve with the most appropriate accompaniments here are some suggestions:
- chips or jacket potato
- green salad (dip into ice water just before serving and be amazed how crisp and refreshing it becomes),
- red current sauce,
- dauphinoise potatoes
- or even a simple fresh salsa verde to cut right through it.